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Date: 20 February 2025

Time: 20:04

The main components of clinical governance

Risk management

Risk management is about minimising risks to patients by:

  • identifying what can and does go wrong during care
  • understanding the factors that influence this
  • learning lessons from any adverse events
  • ensuring action is taken to prevent recurrence
  • putting systems in place to reduce risks

Clinical audit

Clinical audit is a way that doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals can measure the quality of the care they offer. It allows them to compare their performance against a standard to see how they are doing and identify opportunities for improvement. Changes can then be made, followed by further audits to see if these changes have been successful.

As well as individual audits carried out by individual members of staff, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust participates in national audits including those of the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) and the Healthcare Commission's National Audit Programme.

Education, training and continuing professional development

It is vital that staff caring for patients have the knowledge and skills they need to do a good job. It is for that reason that they are given opportunities to update their skills to keep up with the latest developments as well as learn new skills.

The Medical Education, Nurse Education, Clinical Skills, Medical Devices Trainer and Practice Development teams all work together to ensure that UHB's staff have all the skills they need to provide the best care for our patients.

Evidence-based care and effectiveness

Care for patients should be based on good quality evidence from research.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) is responsible for providing national guidance on the promotion of good health and the prevention and treatment of ill health.

At UHB, the Clinical Effectiveness Manager monitors the Trust's compliance with NICE guidance.

Patient and carer experience and involvement

If the Trust is to offer the highest quality care it is important that we work in partnership with patients and carers. This includes gaining a better understanding of the priorities and concerns of those who use our services by involving them in our work, including our policy and planning.

One way we gain the views of patients and carers is through our patient and carer councils. We also monitor the views of patients through the complaints and compliments received by the Patient Services Department and contacts with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).

Staffing and staff management

Staffing and staff management is vital to our ability to provide high-quality care. We need to have highly skilled staff, working in an efficient team and in a well supported environment.

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