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Date: 20 February 2025

Time: 20:11

Record and information management

All NHS organisations have a duty to retain their information/records in accordance with the "NHS Records Management Code of Practice", published by the Department of Health.

The Code of Practice consists of two parts. The first contains advice and guidance about best practice. The second covers records retention and destruction. The Trust’s Information Lifecycle and Record Management Policy, Health Records Procedure and Corporate Records Procedure have adopted this code.

Records of University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust and its predecessors, which are no longer required for the business purposes of the Trust, and which have been selected for permanent archival preservation in conformity with the Department of Health’s Code of Practice, are held within an archival repository at Birmingham Archive and Heritage.

For further details, please contact:

Birmingham Archive and Heritage
6th Floor
Birmingham Central Library
Chamberlain Square
Birmingham, B3 3HQ

The role of the National Archive is to preserve, manage and provide public access to records of significant historical or research interest. It is further responsible for advising public bodies on the management of all types of records, including NHS records, and has oversight of the arrangements for the permanent preservation of such records.


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