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Date: 21 February 2025

Time: 19:00

Monitoring information

Please note that University Hospitals Birmingham completed the acquisition by merger of the Heart of England Foundation Trust (HEFT) on 1 April 2018. Reports for HEFT prior to the merger can be found via the link at the end of the page.

Inpatient diversity statistics (Sunday 1 April 2012 – Monday 2 July 2018)


Adventist 119 0.04%
African Religions 4 0.00%
Afro-Carribean Religions 55 0.02%
Agnostic 1808 0.61%
Agnosticism 4411 1.50%
Ahmadi 2 0.00%
Anglican 273 0.09%
Animism 23 0.01%
Apostolic Pentecostalist 2 0.00%
Atheist 9711 3.30%
Babi & Baha'l Faiths 95 0.03%
Baha'i 27 0.01%
Baptist 588 0.20%
Bon 9 0.00%
Brahma Kumari 2 0.00%
Brethren 1 0.00%
Buddhist 151 0.05%
Bulgarian Orthodox 1 0.00%
Calvinist 3 0.00%
Celtic Orthodox Christian 2 0.00%
Celticism 3 0.00%
Chondogyo 1 0.00%
Christadelphian 111 0.04%
Christian 17683 6.00%
Christian (non-Catholic, non-specific) 22746 7.72%
Christian Existentialist 2 0.00%
Christian Humanist 1 0.00%
Christian Scientists 1 0.00%
Church in Wales 73 0.02%
Church of England 37860 12.85%
Church of God of Prophecy 13 0.00%
Church of Ireland 203 0.07%
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) 30 0.01%
Church of Scotland 264 0.09%
Confucianism 1 0.00%
Coptic Orthodox 3 0.00%
Cyber Culture Religions 3 0.00%
Declined to Give 1615 0.55%
Divination 7 0.00%
Druid 4 0.00%
Druze 1 0.00%
Elim  Pentecostalist 1 0.00%
Evangelical Christian 9 0.00%
Free Church 5 0.00%
Free Daism 5 0.00%
Free Evangelical Presbyterian 1 0.00%
Free methodist 3 0.00%
Gnosis 1 0.00%
Greek Catholic 1 0.00%
Greek Orthodox 80 0.03%
Heathen 1 0.00%
Hindu 2347 0.80%
Humanist 49 0.02%
Independent 351 0.12%
Indian Orthodox 4 0.00%
Ismaili Muslim 207 0.07%
Jain 46 0.02%
Jehovah's Witness 289 0.10%
Jehovah's Witnesses 367 0.12%
Jew 345 0.12%
Jewish 236 0.08%
Kabbalist 2 0.00%
Latter Day Saints 33 0.01%
Lightworker 1 0.00%
Lutheran 13 0.00%
Mahayana 4 0.00%
Matraism 2 0.00%
Meditation 5 0.00%
Mennonite 2 0.00%
Messianic Judaism 4 0.00%
Methodism 963 0.33%
Methodist 661 0.22%
Muslim 11767 4.00%
Muslim (Islam) 8454 2.87%
Native American Religion 10 0.00%
Nazarene Church 3 0.00%
New Age 9 0.00%
New Testament Pentacostalist 2 0.00%
Nichiren Buddhist 1 0.00%
Nonconformist 12 0.00%
None 3626 1.23%
non-Roman Catholic 152 0.05%
Not Specified 69723 23.67%
Occult 3 0.00%
Old Catholic 9 0.00%
Open Brethren 5 0.00%
Orthodox 295 0.10%
Orthodox Jew 5 0.00%
Other 1 0.00%
Other Religions 179 0.06%
Pagan 93 0.03%
Pantheist 3 0.00%
Patient Religion Unknow 332 0.11%
Pentecostal 284 0.10%
Pentecostalist 204 0.07%
Peyotist 1 0.00%
Plymouth Brethren 7 0.00%
Presbyterian 21 0.01%
Process, The 1 0.00%
Protestant 38 0.01%
Quaker 70 0.02%
Radha Soami 1 0.00%
Rastafari 38 0.01%
Rastafarian 41 0.01%
Reformed/Presbyterian 44 0.01%
Religion (Other Not Listed) 13 0.00%
Religion not given - PATIENT refused 3738 1.27%
Roman Catholic 10214 3.47%
Roman Catholic Church 14274 4.85%
Romanian Orthodox 11 0.00%
Russian Orthodox 42 0.01%
Salvation Army 13 0.00%
Salvation Army Member 6 0.00%
Satanist 2 0.00%
Scientology 7 0.00%
Serbian Orthodox 5 0.00%
Seventh Day Adventist 67 0.02%
Shakti Hindu 3 0.00%
Shamanism 3 0.00%
Shiite (Islam) 423 0.14%
Shinto 7 0.00%
Shumei 1 0.00%
Sikh 3556 1.21%
Spiritualist 143 0.05%
Sunni (Islam) 12 0.00%
Syrian Orthodox 2 0.00%
Taoist 2 0.00%
Theravada 4 0.00%
Ukrainian Catholic 2 0.00%
Unitarian 2 0.00%
Unitarian-Universalist 9 0.00%
United Reform 12 0.00%
United Reformed Church 14 0.00%
Universal Life Church 11 0.00%
Universalist 1 0.00%
Unknown 62329 21.16%
Vajrayana (Tibetan) 6 0.00%
Veda 4 0.00%
Voodoo 6 0.00%
Wicca 18 0.01%
Yaohushua 2 0.00%
Zen Buddhism 158 0.05%
Zoroastrainism 6 0.00%
Adventist 2456 0.83%
Total 294,524 100.00%


African 2448 0.89%
Any other Asian background 6885 2.52%
Any other Black background 1926 0.70%
Any other ethnic group 6591 2.41%
Any other mixed background 926 0.34%
Any other White background 6999 2.56%
Bangladeshi 1378 0.50%
British 173425 63.38%
Caribbean 6023 2.20%
Chinese 1271 0.46%
Indian 8143 2.98%
Irish 3897 1.42%
Not Known 22921 8.38%
Not Specified 14728 5.38%
Pakistani 13227 4.83%
White & Asian 523 0.19%
White & Black African 333 0.12%
White & Black Caribbean 1985 0.73%
Total 273,629 100.00%


Age RangeTotalPercentage
18 – 24 28,263 9%
25 – 29 19,212 6%
30 – 34 19,030 6%
35 – 39 18,656 6%
40 – 44 20,417 7%
45 – 49 23,795 8%
50 – 54 25,212 8%
55 – 59 28,711 10%
60 – 64 25,447 8%
65 + 91,651 31%
Total 300,394 100.00%

Marital status

Marital statusTotalPercentage
Civil partner 35 0.01%
Dissolved civil partnership 2 0.00%
Divorsed 3,078 1.18%
Engaged 69 0.03%
Married 41,404 15.93%
Not applicable 32 0.01%
Not disclosed 124 0.05%
Not known 92 0.04%
Not specified 186,213 71.62%
Other 80 0.03%
Separated 295 0.11%
Single 25,061 9.64%
Surviving civil partner 9 0.00%
Widowed 3,498 1.35%
Total 259,992 100.00%


Female 129,614 47.59%
Male 142,711 52.40%
Not specified 1 0.00%
Not specified (indeterminate) 3 0.00%
Total 272,329 100.00%

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Staff diversity statistics (as of 2 July 2018)


Atheism 765 7.9%
Buddhism 55 0.57%
Christianity 3,751 38.73%
Hinduism 280 2.89%
I do not wish to disclose my religion/belief 3,495 36.09%
Islam 569 5.88%
Jainism 1 0.01%
Judaism 11 0.11%
Other 529 5.46%
Sikhism 223 2.3%
Undefined 5 0.05%
Total 9,684 100.00%


British 5,790 59.79%
Irish 154 1.59%
Any other white background 592 6.11%
White and black Caribbean 83 0.86%
White and black African 10 0.1%
White and Asian 42 0.43%
Any other mixed background 85 0.88%
Indian 663 6.85%
Pakistani 331 3.42%
Bangladeshi 63 0.65%
Any other Asian background 465 4.8%
Caribbean 288 2.97%
African 237 2.45%
Not known 6 0.06%
Any other black background 228 2.35%
Chinese 73 0.75%
Any other ethnic group 358 3.7%
Not specified 216 2.23%
Total 9,684 100.00%

Ethnicity overview

Ethnicity overviewNumberPercentage
Black and minority ethnic (BME) 2,932 30.28%
Non BME 6,536 67.49%
Not specified 216 2.23%
Total 9,684 100.00%


18 – 24 784 8.1%
25 – 29 1,372 14.17%
30 – 34 1,282 13.24%
35 – 39 1,136 11.73%
40 – 44 1,181 12.2%
45 – 49 1,206 12.45%
50 – 54 1,163 12.01%
55 – 59 916 9.46%
60 – 64 569 4.84%
65 + 175 1.81%
Total 9,684 100.00%

Sexual orientation

Sexual orientationNumberPercentage
Bisexual 55 0.57%
Gay 96 0.99%
Heterosexual 6,335 65.42%
I do not wish to disclose my sexual orientation 3,159 32.62%
Lesbian 34 0.35%
Undefined 5 0.05%
Total 9,684 100.00%


Female 6,974 72.02%
Male 2,710 27.98%
Total 9,684 100.00%


No 6,936 71.62%
Not declared 2,533 26.16%
Undefined 26 0.27%
Yes 189 1.95%
Total 9,684 100.00%

Staff turnover (2017 – 2018)

Staff turnoverAverage human capitalTotal leaversPercentage
Additional professional scientific and technical 345 19 5.51%
Additional clinical services 1,517 110 7.25%
Administrative and clerical 1,873 237 12.65%
Allied health professionals 524 32 6.11%
Estates and ancillary 858 49 5.71%
Healthcare scientists 407 45 11.06%
Medical and dental 900 113 12.56%
Nursing and midwifery (registered) 2,633 96 3.65%
Total 9,057 701 7.74%

Please note: bank staff and doctors in training are excluded from the staff turnover statistics.

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