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Date: 20 February 2025

Time: 19:48

Radiation protection advice

RRPPS provides advice to employers to enable them to meet the various legal requirements associated with the use of ionising radiation.

Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 and radiation protection advisor services

The Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 require every radiation employer to consult suitable radiation protection advisers as necessary. RRPPS staff meet the criteria of competence which the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has published and are certificated as radiation protection advisers within the RPA2000 scheme                                                            

Radiation protection advice is provided to roughly 20 NHS trusts, in addition to private hospitals, dentists, vets, universities and industries. Through regular personal visits and reports, we can assess premises, equipment and procedures, so as to provide advice on how customers can comply with the latest regulations.

In particular, RRPPS advises on the following radiation protection matters:

  • prior examination and approval of plans for new installations and acceptance into service of new sources of radiation, including critical examinations, in order to restrict exposure to employees, patients and the general public. This includes advice on the necessary shielding of walls etc
  • periodic examination and testing of engineering controls, design features, safety features and warning devices
  • the preparation of local rules including written systems of work
  • the designation and implementation of the requirements of controlled and supervised radiation areas
  • risk assessments (which must be carried out prior to any new facility being used)
  • designation of classified staff
  • dose assessment and recording required under the regulations
  • regular calibration and checking of equipment used for monitoring
  • selection of radiation protection supervisors and appropriate training
  • irradiation in pregnancy
  • conduct of the various investigations required under the regulations e.g. investigation of any abnormally high exposure or over-exposure to staff, patients and the public, and advice on notification to appropriate authorities
  • the quality assurance program in respect of medical equipment or apparatus
  • preparation of detailed contingency plans or hazard assessments
  • assistance with measurement of patient doses
  • any new radiation protection developments or legislation including changes in emphasis or expectations from HSE and others
  • any other aspects of radiation protection that might be required

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Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017

The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 require employers who are carrying out medical exposures to have effective management systems in place, including formal procedures (clearly defining responsibilities), protocols (describing how the medical exposure is carried out) and referral criteria.

RRPPS provides the services of a Medical Physics Expert to advise on radiation dose optimisation, including patient dosimetry, diagnostic reference levels and quality assurance, and to give radiation protection advice relating to medical exposures.

The Ioninising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 allow the administration of radioactive medicinal products only under the authority of Practitioners and Employers holding an appropriate ARSAC permit. RRPPS helps in the completion of ARSAC applications and advises on the dosimetry of pharmaceuticals.

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Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016

Following the consolidation of the previous 2010 regulations and subsequent amendments, the Environmental Permitting (England & Wales) Regulations 2016 stipulates the requirements for the keeping and use of radioactive material and the accumulation and disposal of radioactive waste as well as exemptions.

RRPPS assists with the completion of application forms which have to be submitted to the Environment Agency for permission to keep, use, accumulate and dispose of radioactive materials. RRPPS will then advise on compliance with specific conditions in the permits issued by the Environment Agency for each site.

We will help in interpreting the requirements of individual inspectors and make recommendations to ensure compliance.

RRPPS advises on:

  • the design and condition of doors, floors, walls, ceilings, benches, lighting, ventilation, storage (cupboards, refridgerators, freezers), disposal sinks including drainage route, disposal bins and preparation and dispensing cabinets
  • personal protective equipment, handling equipment, hand/body washing facilities, decontamination/first aid facilities and monitoring equipment
  • records relating to use, storage, accumulation and disposal of radioactive materials, including stock control and routine monitoring of areas

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The Carriage of Dangerous Goods & Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2009

These regulations control the packaging, labelling and carriage of radioactive materials and accompanying documentation. The Regulations are linked to the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road, or ADR, which is updated every two years. RRPPS can provide the necessary advice to ensure compliance.

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Contact us

63 Melchett Road
Kings Norton Business Centre
Birmingham, B30 3HP

Tel: 0121 371 7000

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